Welcome to BHIM!

We are a prayer, evangelistic, and charity based ministry with the goal to present Jesus Christ while fulfilling the material need of many. Blessed Hope International Mission was started by couple brothers in Christ from Chicago which had a deep desire help the needy families in Romania which God later guided to spread the gospel in cities and prisons around the globe.

There are three main aspects that define our mission:

  • To join an international prayer group which will seek God’s leading for ministering in different parts of the world so that His Gospel will reach the lost and hopeless.
  • Share the Good News through crusades and jail ministries, and to train a new generation of evangelists that will be ready to share the Gospel, in any circumstances, through the power of the Holy Spirit. International affiliates will be established, developed, and maintained as the Lord leads.
  • Provide help for the families in desperate needs through distribution of goods and spiritual help. Scriptures and other Christian literature will also be provided.

Our wish is that the stories and images available here will determine you to become an active part in the work of the kingdom of God.

“…go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  Matthew 28:19